March '43
March 1, 1943
Monday Worked all day didn’t get far, George L. here for dinner Oliver worked in garden all day. Burris Mills had another accident first an explosion then scaffold fell. Killed one several others hurt.
March 2, 1943
Jacxk to Dentist, Ida helped me today. Met Ollie, went by Mrs. Ramey’s, took George for whooping cough serium. We heard Fulton Lewis Jr. he was good. George Lewis had dinner with us.
March 3, 1943
Cantte meeting 10AM Ft. Worth Club. Shopped, registered people for Ration Book 2 at Denver. Ave. Club at Fain Reynolds in eve.
March 4, 1943
Home, go to Josephine Bailey’s at 4 to have white felt hat made over.
March 5, 1943
Home nursing meeting 4 P.M., did the laundry today.
March 6, 1943
I am to serve at Tarrant Air Base from 12 to 7. Hair dresser from 10 to 11:45, enjoyed the Air Base. Alice M. went to Glider Base to show given by Marines. Ol went to Poker party.
March 7, 1943
George Lewis for lunch, I cooked all day. Boys didn’t pick George up hel slept on the Divan all night; that’s Southern Hospitality.
March 8, 1943
Alice M. received her engagement ring tonight and is she happy.
March 9, 1943
Tarrant Air Base 7:30 A. M. Alice M. is taking the two days Balance of her vacation. George Shannon said he would give up oranges & bread crust for lent, he wouldn’t just drink the juce of oranges & eat the soft part of the bread, he didn’t like the other parts anyway.
March 10, 1943
Patrol Dance at den –Postponed– A.M. & George went to show with Ol & me went to Knife & Fork club but were late. Ol worked in garden all day.
Earnest Bursey Jr. left for Camp Walters today. We are going to Shrine party. The kids are all going to hear Richard Crooks.
The American tenor, Richard (Alexander) Crooks. NY Met ‘33 – ’43. Left rewarding legacy of commercial and radio recordings, some among the finest made by any tenor. - Wikapedia
March 11, 1943
Geo. S. has a bad cold, raining the first for some time, fine on our garden everything planted.
March 12, 1943
George S., said Munnie I see we have pie.” Yes.” “I sure do like pie & I like Biscuits too, even yours” That’s how I rate as a cook.
March 13, 1943
Coffee with Neta.
March 14, 1943
Ol & George & Bill in bed with cold. We all rested all afternoon.
March 15, 1943
Canteen collected money for Red cross.
March 16, 1943
I washed all day Patron Dance at Den 6 P.M. Ol was going home early – felt bad. We were the last to leave.
March 17, 1943
Night Club here, and am I sleepy. Served hot ginger Bread and tea everything else rationed.
March 18, 1943
Garden Club at Mrs. McGee’s I really enjoyed it first time I had attended in three months. A.M. heard from Mrs. Lewis for the first time.
March 19, 1943
Ollie’s Camp Fire group gave program at Denver. She is real proud. A.M came home from work early feels bas, so I gave her medi.
March 20, 1943
Enchelidas here, Burseys & family& Geo L. I have two of the silliest little hats you ever saw, guess the girls will get them, but they say they wouldn’t wear them.
March 21, 1943
Cooked all day still nothing to eat took ride in afternoon with A.M. & George L.
March 22, 1943
Hair cut Still couldn’t wear that silly hat. Bought another, sttended luncheon Mrs. Reimers Ftr. Worth Club. Made cookies after supper.
March 23, 1943
Canteen works at SantaFe 6A.M. Home Nursing class at 10AM. Jack to dentist 2 PM. Canteen meeting I sure hate to work at SantaFe station. Miss Sidebottom is a CAT
After CAT then there is a smudge that is illegible. 'CAT was in bold print everything else is in cursive, as is most of the manuscript.
March 24, 1943
Work at Air Port with Margret Petteway. Didn’t go. Margret had word her brother in the Navy, had died.
Starting with ‘Didn’t go.” Is written with a different color pen.
March 25, 1943
Attended Mother Daughter Luncheon with Ollie at T.W. C. Nice. Bought a pair of reptile shoes with my No. 17 coupon. We attended Jane Walker’s Wedding, Ollie served punch.
March 26, 1943
Nice rainey day but it has been raining for a week.
March 27, 1943
To work at Tarrant Base Canteen. Oliver is very unhappy wanted me to go to Dallas but I had promised to work for Mrs. Tannahill. So he thinks I don’t love him.
March 28, 1943
Oliver is really mad, doesn’t have a word to say.
March 29, 1943
I did the laundry today. Ol is still mad.
March 30, 1943
Ol is over his anger with me. I have spoiled him.
March 31, 1943
Meeting at NSHS 10:30. Blanche Barrett’s father to be buried at 3 P.M. Night club at Wyatt’s didn’t have it.
March 1, 1943
Monday Worked all day didn’t get far, George L. here for dinner Oliver worked in garden all day. Burris Mills had another accident first an explosion then scaffold fell. Killed one several others hurt.
March 2, 1943
Jacxk to Dentist, Ida helped me today. Met Ollie, went by Mrs. Ramey’s, took George for whooping cough serium. We heard Fulton Lewis Jr. he was good. George Lewis had dinner with us.
March 3, 1943
Cantte meeting 10AM Ft. Worth Club. Shopped, registered people for Ration Book 2 at Denver. Ave. Club at Fain Reynolds in eve.
March 4, 1943
Home, go to Josephine Bailey’s at 4 to have white felt hat made over.
March 5, 1943
Home nursing meeting 4 P.M., did the laundry today.
March 6, 1943
I am to serve at Tarrant Air Base from 12 to 7. Hair dresser from 10 to 11:45, enjoyed the Air Base. Alice M. went to Glider Base to show given by Marines. Ol went to Poker party.
March 7, 1943
George Lewis for lunch, I cooked all day. Boys didn’t pick George up hel slept on the Divan all night; that’s Southern Hospitality.
March 8, 1943
Alice M. received her engagement ring tonight and is she happy.
March 9, 1943
Tarrant Air Base 7:30 A. M. Alice M. is taking the two days Balance of her vacation. George Shannon said he would give up oranges & bread crust for lent, he wouldn’t just drink the juce of oranges & eat the soft part of the bread, he didn’t like the other parts anyway.
March 10, 1943
Patrol Dance at den –Postponed– A.M. & George went to show with Ol & me went to Knife & Fork club but were late. Ol worked in garden all day.
Earnest Bursey Jr. left for Camp Walters today. We are going to Shrine party. The kids are all going to hear Richard Crooks.
The American tenor, Richard (Alexander) Crooks. NY Met ‘33 – ’43. Left rewarding legacy of commercial and radio recordings, some among the finest made by any tenor. - Wikapedia
March 11, 1943
Geo. S. has a bad cold, raining the first for some time, fine on our garden everything planted.
March 12, 1943
George S., said Munnie I see we have pie.” Yes.” “I sure do like pie & I like Biscuits too, even yours” That’s how I rate as a cook.
March 13, 1943
Coffee with Neta.
March 14, 1943
Ol & George & Bill in bed with cold. We all rested all afternoon.
March 15, 1943
Canteen collected money for Red cross.
March 16, 1943
I washed all day Patron Dance at Den 6 P.M. Ol was going home early – felt bad. We were the last to leave.
March 17, 1943
Night Club here, and am I sleepy. Served hot ginger Bread and tea everything else rationed.
March 18, 1943
Garden Club at Mrs. McGee’s I really enjoyed it first time I had attended in three months. A.M. heard from Mrs. Lewis for the first time.
March 19, 1943
Ollie’s Camp Fire group gave program at Denver. She is real proud. A.M came home from work early feels bas, so I gave her medi.
March 20, 1943
Enchelidas here, Burseys & family& Geo L. I have two of the silliest little hats you ever saw, guess the girls will get them, but they say they wouldn’t wear them.
March 21, 1943
Cooked all day still nothing to eat took ride in afternoon with A.M. & George L.
March 22, 1943
Hair cut Still couldn’t wear that silly hat. Bought another, sttended luncheon Mrs. Reimers Ftr. Worth Club. Made cookies after supper.
March 23, 1943
Canteen works at SantaFe 6A.M. Home Nursing class at 10AM. Jack to dentist 2 PM. Canteen meeting I sure hate to work at SantaFe station. Miss Sidebottom is a CAT
After CAT then there is a smudge that is illegible. 'CAT was in bold print everything else is in cursive, as is most of the manuscript.
March 24, 1943
Work at Air Port with Margret Petteway. Didn’t go. Margret had word her brother in the Navy, had died.
Starting with ‘Didn’t go.” Is written with a different color pen.
March 25, 1943
Attended Mother Daughter Luncheon with Ollie at T.W. C. Nice. Bought a pair of reptile shoes with my No. 17 coupon. We attended Jane Walker’s Wedding, Ollie served punch.
March 26, 1943
Nice rainey day but it has been raining for a week.
March 27, 1943
To work at Tarrant Base Canteen. Oliver is very unhappy wanted me to go to Dallas but I had promised to work for Mrs. Tannahill. So he thinks I don’t love him.
March 28, 1943
Oliver is really mad, doesn’t have a word to say.
March 29, 1943
I did the laundry today. Ol is still mad.
March 30, 1943
Ol is over his anger with me. I have spoiled him.
March 31, 1943
Meeting at NSHS 10:30. Blanche Barrett’s father to be buried at 3 P.M. Night club at Wyatt’s didn’t have it.